Saturday, October 31, 2009

an update

Here's an update!

Hearing Disorders (Audiology)
This class is going great! I just got my midterm back and did very well! I am now considering adding a B.S. in Speech and Hearing Science to my list of Majors... making me a Double Major and Double Degree, i think. =)

This class is going pretty well. It's a little stressful in class sometimes because Bojan is so serious and moves so quickly, but I trust him. He has linguistic background, he's very good at teaching and he knows the value of immersion and repetition in language learning. I hope that I'll have time to keep taking this class for at least a year.

Non-Profits & Youth Education
This class is going great too! We only meet once a week for an hour at a time and I feel bad that I had to miss a session, but it was because I was volunteering to represent Gothenburg University at the Study Abroad Fair. I promised Birgitta that I would represent Gothenburg and it was so much fun anyway. =)

Swedish Club @ UW
The Swedish Club stuff is going pretty well. There are small things that could be better, but i feel that the club is better than it has ever been and just a little more push will bring the Swedish community together. I'm even working on getting Norwegian and Danish contacts involved with our club.

The Afro-Latin Jazz Ensem
This is club is slow going. I'm working hard to try to recruit, but it's tough not having our players available (those that are in marching band, I mean). I sit there in Meany 55 every Tuesday from 5-7pm hoping for people to come, but usually it's just me and Joel... which is completely fine because the quality of our music is great and we move quickly, but I'd really love to have a bass player and a piano player to join us on a regular basis. Maybe it's God's will. Maybe I'm meant to spend this quarter working on my technique and learning different styles to be better prepared to lead. I spent a good hour, hour and half working on Cha-cha-cha last Tuesday. And yeah, I've even started playing Danzon style too. =)

Undergrad. Linguistics Club
So I used to be president of this club, but I don't know how much I can be involved in the Ling. Club this quarter/this year. Maybe I can at least help with posters or something... you know, 'cuz I'm like, pretty creative, right? (Or at least I should be).

Unleashed! A capella
Went to a retreat with this group last saturday, which was awesome! We played Rock Band and I got to know the members of this group better. I was even able to recruit someone to sing in the Scandinavian acapella group that I want to start rehearsing in Seattle. (We're called "Skakapella".)

BCS Klub
I've been going to the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language table at the Continental occasionally on Fridays, but it's been tough because I don't have a lot of vocab yet. Hopefully it will become more useful to me in a few weeks or a month maybe.

Salsa Club
Yeah, so I really wish I could do more with Salsa Club too, but at the most... I might be able to go out dancing with them some night or two. Oh, and maybe I help the Afro-Latin Jazz Ensemble join forces with the Salsa Club for an event or two on campus sometime. (I just need more people to come play in the ensemble first.)

Volunteer work through Non-Profits & Youth Education seminar
So, I finally have my placements! I'm working as a tutor through Family Works at the Wallingford Boys and Girls Club and it's really been a great experience. I get to work with a student who is hard of hearing, which is perfect for me because I'm currently taking a course in Hearing Disorders. Plus, I have linguistic background. Last session, I helped him learn to pronounce English plosives (p,t, k) properly by holding a sheet of paper in front of his mouth and showing him that the paper should move when English p, t, and k are said properly since these sounds are aspirated in English. It's great. I really feel like I'm making a difference in the world now.

My other placement is at Hamilton International Middle School and I've been there a total of two times now. It's been good too. I'm working there as a volunteer percussion instructor/technician. I get to work with two different bands in the afternoons twice a week and it's great!

Ok, well that's it for now. Vi ses!

1 comment:

  1. wow! that is a lot of stuff you're doing, yeonimin! i would totally join your afro-latin jazz ensemble if i lived up there. i miss playing with you!
    p.s. i was looking through some old things & found that birthday book you wrote to me back when i turned 18... good times, good times. :) it brightened my day.
